Craft + Embroidery Specialist

It Started with a Stitch

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Gemma is an embroidery artist and craft lover and you can find her studio space within the centre.

A lover of all things handmade, each visit to the studio is sure to show you something that you didn’t see the last time. Yarns, threads, sequins, pompom makers and so much more, there’s not much in the way of craft that you won’t find in there!

From hand-embroidered hoops to tinsel wreaths covered in pompoms, you can visit Gemma and discuss your own commission or take a look at some of the finished items that would be available to purchase.

You can join Gemma on Wednesday mornings between 10 am and 12 pm for her Crochet, Knit, and Stitch sessions and at the same time on a Friday for ‘Always Yarning’, a community support group that provide blankets and cold weather items for the community.

Skills we cover

  • Pom Pom Making
  • Embroidery
  • Crosssttich
  • Sewing
  • Crochet

It Started with a Stitch Events

  • Every Wednesday
  • 10:00 am

Crochet, Knit and Stitch

Every Wednesday morning between 10 am and 12 pm you can join Gemma of It Started With a Stitch for a couple of hours of crafting with a bit of social thrown in! Fetch your current project and we’ll put the kettle on. Our rooms have been re-laid to adhere to current social distancing guidelines so you have your own personal workspace for the morning. Places are limited so pre-booking is essential.

  • Every Friday morning
  • 10:00 am

Always Yarning

Every Friday morning between 10am and 12pm you can join Gemma of It Started With a Stitch to help with our community project ‘Blankets for the Homeless’ We have knitted and crocheted squares sent to us from all over the place and we get together on a Friday morning to work on making them into full blankets. We also have scarves and hats donated and made for us too. These cold-weather items are then distributed to local groups and charities that work with people who are homeless or vulnerably housed. Our rooms have been re-laid to adhere to current social distancing guidelines so you have your own personal workspace for the morning. Places are limited so pre-booking is essential.

  • Every Friday morning
  • 10:00 am

Embroidered hoops

Come and learn all you need to be able to create your own embroidered hoops of art with Gemma of It Started With a Stitch I’ll make sure that you have everything you need to create your own piece of embroidered art and the sessions are free to attend. If you’d like to keep coming after your first hoop is finished, then simply buy the supplies and we’ll keep putting the kettle on!

©2025 Copyright Welholme Works.

Handmade by KidDotCo.
