Talk to us about room hire for your group

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Welholme Works is a community hub, based at the heart heart of the Heneage ward in Grimsby.

Based within the former Would Building the centre retains some of the original features including the wages hatch and a wood-panelled boardroom which is now available for hire to local groups and businesses.

Set up to empower the local community through a range of activities and workshops – hosted by in house experts or those from further afield.

We work with our local residents and support network to offer experiences to our local community that might not have previously been offered in the Heneage area.

Arts and crafts sessions, music groups, coffee mornings, police surgeries and so much more all take place within the centre.

We host weekly community sessions that are free to access and work with local providers to bring a range of other sessions and workshops that are held on and off-site.

We run a Facebook group, our Out Of School Club where we run sessions during school holidays to help keep our families entertained and during lockdown acted as a pick-up point for the Summer Reading Challenge as our libraries were forced to close.

We run a successful Grab Bags project thanks to funding from the Love Where You Live team and our Heneage ward councillors.

Our facilities are ideal for

  • Podcasts
  • One-One tuition
  • Tutorials
  • Community Sessions

Meet the Community team

Community Policing Team


Matt McKiernan

Julie Gray


Lee Gray


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Handmade by KidDotCo.
